Holy Hannah! Thanks to
Cool Ass Cinema, I have been given the Versatile Blogger Award!
(ignore my last post, apparently I didn't know how these blog awards worked)
In order to recieve full VBA status I have to acomplish three tasks:
-Thank the person who gave it to you -Share 7 things about yourself -Pass the award to 15 other blogs you've recently discovered, are engaging and of particular interest.In my last post I hyped the awesomeness of
Cool Ass Cinema. His reviews are always entertaining, also I dig the lime green type! You should too!
Now on to task two: Seven things about me...
1) I have no sense of smell. Never did and probably never will. Out of all the senses to lose, I'll take this one.
2) I have a deep obsession with the Morricone/Leone connection. Six films (seven if you count "My Name Is Nobody") just isn't enough. I want more!
3) I have been trying my hand at amateur film composition. I did one independent film back in 2006 called
Mondo Collecto. Since then I have just been working on other music projects. I have two EPs forthcoming. One is cover songs of
classic Sesame Street tunes and the other is a cover/homage to one of my favorite Morricone scores,
Gli Scassinatori(The Burglars). 4) Politically, I tend to be strongly conservative. I really abhor hero worship, especially in politicians. That's a game you'll never win. Although I do skeet shoot poodles and crap bags of money, so...
5) As a kid, I always thought I'd be a cartoonist or a special effects makeup artist. Neither followed with me. I got the guitar at age 14 and stuck with music instead.
6) I love movies, especially behind the scenes stuff. Just hearing about how John Carpenter made the title card for "The Thing" gives me goosebumps.
7) I use Lady Speed Stick deodorant because it's the only kind that doesn't give me a rash.
Now for some fun blogs that are definitely worth your time:
KindertraumaAn excellent page of the TV/cinema creepiness that scared the hell out of you as a kid. I got a few traumafessions posted on there. It's the only site that will make you go, "HOLY CRAP, I REMEMBER THAT!"
Final Girl Stacie Ponder rules. Enough said.
Topless RobotWhere geekdom & nerddom clash!
When is Evil Cool?He hasn't posted for a while, but he had the best month long Alien review ever.
RetrospaceA lot of fun 60's & 70's goodies. they actually scan their own pics, and there's a ton of them.
Cinema Du Meep
Another fun review site with great obscure poster pics.
Sergio Leone & The Infield Fly Rule One of the great film blogs out there.
Remakes, Reboots & Re-Imaginings
A great new blog and a subject I get VERY passionate about.
De Palma a la Mod
A great De Palma resource with very interesting essays and links to other similar themed blogs. I'm a sucker for De Palma.
Chuck Norris Ate My Baby 11)
Freddy In Space 12)
Retro Slashers 13)
Mondo 70: A Wide World of Cinema14)
My New Plaid Pants Film blogs are like crack.
Cool Ass Cinema for taking the time to read mine. They're cool ass.
So that's it. Hopefully I will kick this blog into high gear and start blogging more frequently. I have a few post ideas in mind. My contempt for CGI never dies.
Stay tuned!